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Message From Our Planet

October 6 -

January 7, 2024

Exhibition overview

Message from Our Planet

Digital Art from the Thoma Collection


Message from Our Planet brings together 19 software, video, and light-technology artworks from 18 international artists working at the forefront of digital and electronic art. The exhibition proposes that media technologies, from vintage devices to cutting-edge digital algorithms, offer distinct ways for artists to communicate with future generations. Themed like a global time capsule, the group of artworks reflect the artifacts and ambitions of contemporary life.


Artists: Brian Bress, Lia Chaia, Sabrina Gschwandtner, Hong Hao, Matthew Angelo Harrison, Claudia Hart, Jenny Holzer, Eduardo Kac, Lee Nam Lee, Christian Marclay,  Paul Pfeiffer, Tabita Rezaire, Michal Rovner, Jason Salavon, Elias Sime, Skawennati, Penelope Umbrico, and Robert Wilson


Curated by the Carl and Marilynn Thoma Foundation


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